FERGUSON: Tear gassed, Pepper Sprayed and Still Shooting! by Christian Lee

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This Blog Post is a Continuation of a past post on August 11th, 2014 which was featured in USA Today

LINK to the past Blog Post is HERE: http://www.christianklee.com/blog/2014/8/11/ferguson-protest-blog


Tear gassed twice, Pepper Sprayed Once and still managed to see well enough to continue this project. I have been documenting the civil unrest in Ferguson, Missouri since it all started in early August up until now without any riot gear or gas mask. Which I have paid for on several occasions. 

The first time I was tear gassed as a bystander, I felt like a super hero, because even though I got hit with a good dose of gas, it took about a 7 second delay before I felt the full effect. This gave me enough time to snap off a few more images. I would later pay for it. I quickly became a victim as my eyes burned so bad that I could not see, and I also gagged as a result to being exposed. People helped me by washing chemicals from my face with liquids that they had brought with them. I was particularly surprised at how helpful the protestors were due to the violent image that they had often been portrayed in. Initially, I felt vulnerable hoping that I would not be robbed for my camera, however that was not the case and I was helped on several occasion by people from different racial backgrounds.

The level of violence rose dramatically from when I had documented it in early August. This was due to International media attention that drew out larger crowds.

I was initially scared to document this part of the story because I knew the unrest would be more violent, however I continued to document because I did not want to tell a uninformed story.

The problem with documenting a Breaking Story is finding the story. Protestors continually move from location to location, so I have discovered that in order to be a good journalist you must also be a great researcher. I had to continuously research the web to find exactly where the story would be in real time. One of the most memorable images I took was of a female protestor who was clearing the streets immediately after a police car was burned to the ground. That image was my favorite because it was iconic. In my opinion, this means that the image had an aesthetic quality that symbolized the complete story of the protestors in Ferguson, Mo.

The burning car in the background of that image symbolizes the violence of angry protestor and the protestor with her hands up symbolized the peacefulness of other protestors. Here is the image.

Shortly after a Grand Jury decides not to Indict Officer Darren Wilson, Protestors take to the streets leaving a Police squad burned to the ground on November 24th 2014. Here a protestor walk with their hands up as officers attempt to clear the stre…

Shortly after a Grand Jury decides not to Indict Officer Darren Wilson, Protestors take to the streets leaving a Police squad burned to the ground on November 24th 2014. Here a protestor walk with their hands up as officers attempt to clear the streets.

Another of my favorite, is a photo that I took as the crowd grew. This image is powerful because of its Irony. The fact that a welcoming banner hung in good spirit reading "Season's Greetings" meanwhile the events taking place below it wasn't too welcoming. That image is here.

In expectation of a Grand Jury Announcement, Protestors fill the street in front of the Ferguson Police department on Monday November 24th 2014.

In expectation of a Grand Jury Announcement, Protestors fill the street in front of the Ferguson Police department on Monday November 24th 2014.

The rest of the images are featured Below.

Officers stand guard as they watch to ensure that citizens protest legally, once the fate of Officer Darren Wilson is announced on Monday November 24th 2014.

Officers stand guard as they watch to ensure that citizens protest legally, once the fate of Officer Darren Wilson is announced on Monday November 24th 2014.

The Grand Jury decides that Darren Wilson will not be indicted for the unarmed death of Michael Brown. His Mother, Lesley McSpadden, bursts into tears as the verdict is announced on Monday November 24th 2014.

The Grand Jury decides that Darren Wilson will not be indicted for the unarmed death of Michael Brown. His Mother, Lesley McSpadden, bursts into tears as the verdict is announced on Monday November 24th 2014.

Hours of turmoils erupts in the city of Ferguson, Missouri after a grand jury decides not to indict Darren Wilson in the shooting death of Michael Brown on Monday November 24th 2014. Angered protestors take to the street leaving nearly 10 businesses…

Hours of turmoils erupts in the city of Ferguson, Missouri after a grand jury decides not to indict Darren Wilson in the shooting death of Michael Brown on Monday November 24th 2014. Angered protestors take to the street leaving nearly 10 businesses burned or damaged by fire and 61 people were arrested.

Shortly after the St. Louis County grand jury declines to indict Officer Darren Wilson, protesters take to the streets, leaving behind a burned police squad car on Monday, Nov. 24th 2014.

Shortly after the St. Louis County grand jury declines to indict Officer Darren Wilson, protesters take to the streets, leaving behind a burned police squad car on Monday, Nov. 24th 2014.

Protestors fill the street in front of the Ferguson Police department on Monday November 24th 2014 as they await the decision of the Grand Jury Announcement.

Protestors fill the street in front of the Ferguson Police department on Monday November 24th 2014 as they await the decision of the Grand Jury Announcement.

COMMENT and SHARE. I will respond.

Is it Real? BLOG POST by Christian Lee

With this project I wanted to focus on stills and audio, because I knew the content was going to be strong enough. Stills have the power to capture moments in a way that video cannot. I chose to name this project "Is it Real?" because it seems to be a lingering theme that stuck with me throughout the project.

Spectators continued to ask him Is it Real, so it stuck!

Normally I use professional audio equipment for videos, however I decided to test the waters and use my IPhone as my audio source. I did this to prove that journalists can produce quality media at any given time. Surprisingly it stood the test and there was not a significant difference in quality.

Inter-Chorus Conferance by Christian Lee

This Past Saturday, I documented the National Inter-Chorul Conferance in St Louis, Missouri where experts from their various musical fields gathered to share techniques on music making. Those experts also took the time to visit various High Schools throughout the St Louis community to expose them to various music backgrounds. Among those schools were the underprivileged and well privileged, however all students from every school learned something new.

Ferguson Protest Blog by Christian Lee

When deciding whether or not i would document this tragic event, It all came down to FIGHT or FLIGHT. If your not familiar with that term it basically means that when danger arrives some people FIGHT (meaning they run towards the danger) or they FLIGHT (runaway from the danger). Well in this case against all better judgement of my peers and family I chose to FIGHT. I knew this would be a national topic and I wanted to document it.

I departed my house at about 10:30pm on August 10th 2014 in route for Ferguson, Mo. I had no idea where the riots were taking place but I knew I had to find it. I arrived on the scene and it was a complete war zone. I saw people running pass me with arms full of merchandise from stores they had just looted and innocent people who were victimized. Police Officers were on edge. It was pitch black dark so I was even frightened that officers may mistake my camera for a gun at night. However I continued to shoot. Below are images that I took over a two day period.

Chris Holmes suffers a head injury from angry protestors shortly after appearing at a protest in Ferguson, Mo. Behind him armed officers secure an area soon after a QuikTrip gas station was set to fire by raged protestors on August 10th 2014 in Ferg…

Chris Holmes suffers a head injury from angry protestors shortly after appearing at a protest in Ferguson, Mo. Behind him armed officers secure an area soon after a QuikTrip gas station was set to fire by raged protestors on August 10th 2014 in Ferguson, MO. Chris states "I walked passed the Quik Trip and thats when someone threw something that hit me in the head and they took my phone."

(left photo) Tensions run high in response to the unarmed death of 18 year old Michael Brown. Here armed law enforcement stand guard on August 10th 2014 in Ferguson, MO.(right photo) A Ferguson protestor holds his sign in response to the u…

(left photo) Tensions run high in response to the unarmed death of 18 year old Michael Brown. Here armed law enforcement stand guard on August 10th 2014 in Ferguson, MO.

(right photo) A Ferguson protestor holds his sign in response to the unarmed death of 18 year old Michael Brown. Directly behind him armed officers (not pictured) stand guard due to looting of neighberhood businesses on August 10th 2014 in Ferguson, MO.

Armed officers stands guard in response to the looting that took place at a Mobil gas station on Aug. 10 in Ferguson, Mo. The looting is in response to the death of unarmed 18-year-old Michael Brown.

Armed officers stands guard in response to the looting that took place at a Mobil gas station on Aug. 10 in Ferguson, Mo. The looting is in response to the death of unarmed 18-year-old Michael Brown.

Activist Zaki Baruti (center), leads a rally outside of the Ferguson Fire Department on August 11th 2014 in response to the unarmed death of 18 year old Michael Brown by Ferguson law enforcement.

Activist Zaki Baruti (center), leads a rally outside of the Ferguson Fire Department on August 11th 2014 in response to the unarmed death of 18 year old Michael Brown by Ferguson law enforcement.

Protestors rally outside of the Ferguson Fire Department on August 11th 2014 in response to the unarmed death of 18 year old Michael Brown by Ferguson law enforcement.

Protestors rally outside of the Ferguson Fire Department on August 11th 2014 in response to the unarmed death of 18 year old Michael Brown by Ferguson law enforcement.

Protestors rally outside of the Ferguson Fire Department on August 11th 2014 in response to the unarmed death of 18 year old Michael Brown by Ferguson law enforcement.

Protestors rally outside of the Ferguson Fire Department on August 11th 2014 in response to the unarmed death of 18 year old Michael Brown by Ferguson law enforcement.

Ferguson police officers and Michael Brown Protestors meet toe to toe as rallying take place outside of the Ferguson Fire Department on August 11th 2014 in response to the unarmed death of 18 year old Michael Brown by Ferguson law enforcement.

Ferguson police officers and Michael Brown Protestors meet toe to toe as rallying take place outside of the Ferguson Fire Department on August 11th 2014 in response to the unarmed death of 18 year old Michael Brown by Ferguson law enforcement.

(left photo) Protester Maria Chapelle shouts, "Where is your govenor?" She holds a cutout of Missouri Governor Jay Nixon's face.(right photo) Protester Anthony Shahid (right) shouts, "No justice, no peace," as demonstrators are met wi…

(left photo) Protester Maria Chapelle shouts, "Where is your govenor?" She holds a cutout of Missouri Governor Jay Nixon's face.

(right photo) Protester Anthony Shahid (right) shouts, "No justice, no peace," as demonstrators are met with law enforcement outside of the Ferguson Fire Department on Aug. 11.

Washington D.C. to Chicago - History and Headshots by Christian Lee

Ending my summer internship, I had the opportunity to travel a little bit. I had the pleasure of traveling to Washington D.C. for Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity's 100th year anniversary. Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity Inc. is a Historical black fraternity with members that range from Bill Clinton to Huey P. Newton. This celebration even received recognition from President Obama. The most challenging part of shooting was deciding how far I would go to get the perfect shot. At that moment I realized what an older photographer taught me. He said " if your holding the camera, it gives you a license to get as close to the action you want." Remembering those words, without fear I rushed to the front of tens of thousands of spectators to capture history as it unveiled in front of my eyes.



After that I stopped in Chicago to shoot some Head Shots of Demetris and Yeneba Smith. I come from a journalistic background so the most challenging thing to do with head shots is to make your images look as organic as possible. Instead of posing my subjects in unnatural positions, I tend to position them in ways that compliment there body type and relax them. For example Demetris Smith (the male subject) has a very broad muscular chest that prevented him from crossing his arms, at least in a way that visually looked comfortable and natural. So instead I had him place his hands in his pockets or fold his hands for most of the shots. Yeneba Smith is a Mary Kay Consultant and we took some head shots for her social media platforms. She was a pleasure to work with. Overall I was pleased how the images turned out and the images are now being used on Yeneba Smith's linked in account.


Fast Freddy by Christian Lee

Fast Freddy is a carnival ride operator. He specializes in fun. According to Fast Freddy when your on one of his rides there are only 3 rules "fast, fast and even faster." I have been waiting all summer for a carnival to come in town  so I could do this story. Ive had the idea in mind for about a year now. 

Freddy grasped my attention because he was so excited about his job. He was always smiling and doing thing to take the guests carnival experience to the next level. He had a level of enthusiasm that most of his other coworkers lacked, so I had to find out what it was that kept him so excited. Well as you will see in the video, Fast Freddy just loves his job. 

His machine stayed the busiest while the carnival was in town. Was it because of Fast Freddy? Dive into this video and make your own opinion about Freddy's enthusiasm.




Rodeo Riding: The Original American Sport by Christian Lee

I am thankful to have the opportunity to have spent two days with Rodeo-man. One of those days I spent time with the number one "Bareback Rider" in the world according to the International Professional Rodeo Association standings. Mark Justin Kreder from Collinsville, Oklahoma was very humble when I first approached him.  I had no idea that he was this accomplished. In the video, viewers will see that he's far from shy and is very competitive, However he is not boastful which I thought was pretty cool. Rodeo-man loves three things Rodeo, God and their Country. They are not bashful when it comes to expressing there views on pretty much anything. In the sport of Rodeo they pray before each match, not individually to them selves which has become the politically correct way of doing thing but as whole. The Rodeo commentator leads the entire arena in prayer. This is rare in American sports, just another thing that makes them unique. Take a look at the video  for a better insight into the sport of Rodeo.

The Alton Kids: Story of a true car lover by Christian Lee

I met Chuck during a car show in Edwardsville, Il. It was during the annual Route 66 festival held in remembrance of one of the original U.S. Highways "Route 66". I walked pass this guy several times because there were several other cars that initially caught my attention. However I am happy that I stopped to talk and hear about his life long love for cars. I approached this project as a same day turnaround project. This means that I shot, edited and posted this video online within the same day. Let me know what you think.