Jordan Buie, 18, foreground, wears the dress she planned on going to prom with before it was cancelled due to COVID-19 concerns on Monday, May 11, 2020 in Killeen, Tx. “I cant keep stressing myself about something I cant control,” Buie said. Also pictured (left to right) is her brother Caleb Buie, 13, father Burnice Buie, 39, and mother Wilzata Buie, 38.
The pinnacle of the school year for many High School Seniors is Prom. In preparation some bought their outfits months in advance waiting for the opportunity to wear it to the highly anticipated event. Due to COVID-19 concerns the class of 2020 won’t be able to take part in it. This project aims to highlight them.
Demareyo Tittle, 19, foreground, wears part of the outfit he planned on going to prom with along with his homecoming king sash and crown before it was cancelled due to COVID-19 concerns on Saturday, May 9, 2020 in Killeen, Tx. “I feel like we wasted our money,” Tittle said. Also pictured (left to right) is his grandmother Erma Allen, 56, brother Omarie Tittle, 16, and mother Juanita Franklin, 36.
Faith Dearing, 18, wears her sister’s prom queen sash along with the dress she planned on wearing to prom before it was cancelled due to COVID-19 concerns as her mother and father drapes a backdrop behind her on Wednesday, May 6, 2020 in Killeen, Tx. “For two years I waited to run for prom queen to fulfill what my sister did when she was in high school but now I won’t be able to,” Dearing said.
Alexis Iliff, 18, center, wears the prom dress she planned on wearing to prom before it was cancelled due to COVID-19 concerns on Saturday, May 9, 2020 in Lampasas, Tx. It is a tradition at her school for couples to walk across the bridge she is seen on the day of prom. “The whole town comes out and it makes you feel special like a red carpet moment,” Iliff said. Also pictured (left to right) is her father Sammy Fernandez, 39, boyfriend Jonathan Jonas, 18, younger brother Kaiden Fernandez, 12, and mother Dawn Fernandez, 41.
Alma Acosta, 18, wears the prom dress she planned on wearing to prom before it was cancelled due to COVID-19 concerns on Friday, May 15, 2020 in Harker Heights, Tx. “I was upset at first but I almost immediatly started my transition into college,” Acosta said. She is an Honor Roll student at her school.
Velociti Gould, 18, wears the prom dress she planned on wearing to prom before it was cancelled due to COVID-19 concerns on Thursday, May 14, 2020 in Belton, Tx. She planned to attend the event with her younger brother Mason Gould, 16, left, and older brother Gregory Gould, 19 who are pictured in the background. Also seen is their mother Jennifer Coy, 44.
Elena Russey, 17, wears the dress she planned on wearing to prom before it was cancelled due to COVID-19 concerns as her mother and brother drapes a backdrop behind her on Wednesday, May 6, 2020 in Killeen, Tx. “I saw people laughing at the memes about our prom and graduation being cancelled and it really made me sad”.