Ferguson Protest Blog / by Christian Lee

When deciding whether or not i would document this tragic event, It all came down to FIGHT or FLIGHT. If your not familiar with that term it basically means that when danger arrives some people FIGHT (meaning they run towards the danger) or they FLIGHT (runaway from the danger). Well in this case against all better judgement of my peers and family I chose to FIGHT. I knew this would be a national topic and I wanted to document it.

I departed my house at about 10:30pm on August 10th 2014 in route for Ferguson, Mo. I had no idea where the riots were taking place but I knew I had to find it. I arrived on the scene and it was a complete war zone. I saw people running pass me with arms full of merchandise from stores they had just looted and innocent people who were victimized. Police Officers were on edge. It was pitch black dark so I was even frightened that officers may mistake my camera for a gun at night. However I continued to shoot. Below are images that I took over a two day period.

Chris Holmes suffers a head injury from angry protestors shortly after appearing at a protest in Ferguson, Mo. Behind him armed officers secure an area soon after a QuikTrip gas station was set to fire by raged protestors on August 10th 2014 in Ferg…

Chris Holmes suffers a head injury from angry protestors shortly after appearing at a protest in Ferguson, Mo. Behind him armed officers secure an area soon after a QuikTrip gas station was set to fire by raged protestors on August 10th 2014 in Ferguson, MO. Chris states "I walked passed the Quik Trip and thats when someone threw something that hit me in the head and they took my phone."

(left photo) Tensions run high in response to the unarmed death of 18 year old Michael Brown. Here armed law enforcement stand guard on August 10th 2014 in Ferguson, MO.(right photo) A Ferguson protestor holds his sign in response to the u…

(left photo) Tensions run high in response to the unarmed death of 18 year old Michael Brown. Here armed law enforcement stand guard on August 10th 2014 in Ferguson, MO.

(right photo) A Ferguson protestor holds his sign in response to the unarmed death of 18 year old Michael Brown. Directly behind him armed officers (not pictured) stand guard due to looting of neighberhood businesses on August 10th 2014 in Ferguson, MO.

Armed officers stands guard in response to the looting that took place at a Mobil gas station on Aug. 10 in Ferguson, Mo. The looting is in response to the death of unarmed 18-year-old Michael Brown.

Armed officers stands guard in response to the looting that took place at a Mobil gas station on Aug. 10 in Ferguson, Mo. The looting is in response to the death of unarmed 18-year-old Michael Brown.

Activist Zaki Baruti (center), leads a rally outside of the Ferguson Fire Department on August 11th 2014 in response to the unarmed death of 18 year old Michael Brown by Ferguson law enforcement.

Activist Zaki Baruti (center), leads a rally outside of the Ferguson Fire Department on August 11th 2014 in response to the unarmed death of 18 year old Michael Brown by Ferguson law enforcement.

Protestors rally outside of the Ferguson Fire Department on August 11th 2014 in response to the unarmed death of 18 year old Michael Brown by Ferguson law enforcement.

Protestors rally outside of the Ferguson Fire Department on August 11th 2014 in response to the unarmed death of 18 year old Michael Brown by Ferguson law enforcement.

Protestors rally outside of the Ferguson Fire Department on August 11th 2014 in response to the unarmed death of 18 year old Michael Brown by Ferguson law enforcement.

Protestors rally outside of the Ferguson Fire Department on August 11th 2014 in response to the unarmed death of 18 year old Michael Brown by Ferguson law enforcement.

Ferguson police officers and Michael Brown Protestors meet toe to toe as rallying take place outside of the Ferguson Fire Department on August 11th 2014 in response to the unarmed death of 18 year old Michael Brown by Ferguson law enforcement.

Ferguson police officers and Michael Brown Protestors meet toe to toe as rallying take place outside of the Ferguson Fire Department on August 11th 2014 in response to the unarmed death of 18 year old Michael Brown by Ferguson law enforcement.

(left photo) Protester Maria Chapelle shouts, "Where is your govenor?" She holds a cutout of Missouri Governor Jay Nixon's face.(right photo) Protester Anthony Shahid (right) shouts, "No justice, no peace," as demonstrators are met wi…

(left photo) Protester Maria Chapelle shouts, "Where is your govenor?" She holds a cutout of Missouri Governor Jay Nixon's face.

(right photo) Protester Anthony Shahid (right) shouts, "No justice, no peace," as demonstrators are met with law enforcement outside of the Ferguson Fire Department on Aug. 11.