Fast Freddy / by Christian Lee

Fast Freddy is a carnival ride operator. He specializes in fun. According to Fast Freddy when your on one of his rides there are only 3 rules "fast, fast and even faster." I have been waiting all summer for a carnival to come in town  so I could do this story. Ive had the idea in mind for about a year now. 

Freddy grasped my attention because he was so excited about his job. He was always smiling and doing thing to take the guests carnival experience to the next level. He had a level of enthusiasm that most of his other coworkers lacked, so I had to find out what it was that kept him so excited. Well as you will see in the video, Fast Freddy just loves his job. 

His machine stayed the busiest while the carnival was in town. Was it because of Fast Freddy? Dive into this video and make your own opinion about Freddy's enthusiasm.