I had the privilege to document this amazing story. B.A.S.E. (building, antenna, space, earth) Jumping is a an extreme sport where participants find high altitude exit points to jump from. Its difficult to blog about this project without giving away the best part of the video. However there are some behind the scenes knowledge I would like to point out. The jumper that I documented usually BASE Jumps at night however this was the first time he jumped during the day. At (1:57) of the video you will see that the fog was very high which I would assume made the jump even harder for him.
We were on the road at 5:00am for an hour and a half car ride to the jump location. I won't disclose the location as agreed but I will say that these guys are creative in finding locations to jump from. He jumped from an Antenna exit point, which represents the "A" in B.A.S.E. Jumping. This specific exit point was nearly 340ft high. I plan to do a summer long photo project on this subject matter, be on the lookout for more stories and content.
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